In November we finished with a closed trade result of -0.31% for the month with a 1.31% drawdown. If accounting for open positions at the end of November the trading month finished with a positive return of 0.52%.
Either was of measuring the profit for the month- in a difficult trading month we maintained our record of keeping our deposits secure with safe trading while maintaining our overall account profitability.
Graphically the November results look like this:
Judging by closed trades our account lost -0.31% for November 2022.
With open trades taken into account with 0.52% profit.
Over the course of the month, trading was up and down, but with a maximum drawdown of 1.31%, our client funds were kept very safe from the underlying volatile market’s downside.
We hope that markets will begin to settle next year which will see us return to the levels of profitability we saw in 2021.
Originally posted on https://www.bmams.com.au/
The post bMAMS: November Trading Results first appeared on trademakers.
The post bMAMS: November Trading Results first appeared on JP Fund Services.
The post bMAMS: November Trading Results appeared first on JP Fund Services.