Mobile app development has turned out to be one of the most lucrative business industries of today.
With a massive revenue prediction of 190 billion USD for 2020, the industry is experiencing a huge influx of both small and medium scale businesses that are looking for business expansion opportunities.
However, there is something that is highly overlooked by both new as well as existing players when it comes to mobile app development.
As per statistics, 28% of mobile apps tend to be uninstalled within the first month.
Secondly, it has also been found that 80% of users uninstall a mobile app after three months of usage.
These statistics show that app developers are making some serious mistakes in crucial areas of app development.
Let’s have a look at three such mistakes that can have a significant impact on your app’s long term life.
1. More Features Less Value
Stuffing an app with loads of unnecessary features has become quite a popular thing among app developers these days.
“Feature loaded apps” have become a highly effective marketing buzzword and contribute significantly to hiking up a new app’s initial download numbers.
However, the benefits end then and there.
In the long run, it’s these extra features that gradually become a huge turn off for the user.
If an app developer pays thorough attention to user feedbacks that are received on existing apps operating in his service category, he can easily uncover the truth.
Customer feedback about feature-loaded apps are a polar opposite to what app developers perceive them to be.
The most common criticism includes a significant dearth of value addition or enhancement that the extra features provide.
Secondly, feature-loaded apps have also been known to have very high load times, which is one of the driving factors towards a user uninstalling an app.
Therefore app development companies should focus on feature efficient apps instead of feature-loaded apps.
Feature efficient apps can be defined as an app that has all the sought after features of the successful apps in its category and some unique features of its own.
2. Having a Multi-Platform approach since the beginning
This is something that starts a never-ending chain of consequences that get stuck to an app throughout its lifetime.
Many app developers take the audacious step of launching their app in both Android as well as IOS from the beginning.
This is primarily in order to avail those inciting perks that are attached with multi-platform launches, namely a humongous consumer reach, high revenue-generating opportunities etc.
But it’s seldom they realize that such perks come with ancillary baggage.
To name a few, having a multi-platform approach for your app release can lead to sky-high app maintenance costs, the inherent inability to adequately target the two separate consumer bases for Android and IOS, etc.
Therefore commencing with a single platform for your app release can be considered as a relatively better or rather safer approach.
Let’s talk about a few crucial elements that you should definitely consider before going for a multi-platform launch of your mobile app:
• The Target Customer
The choice of your target audience should be strictly based on your final app development goal.
If your goal is to achieve a high download number for your app, then its better that you go for the android platform.
And if your goal is to create maximum consumer engagement with your app; then you should proceed with the IOS platform.
• App monetization strategy:
The IOS platform turns out to be better if you want to go for an in-app purchase or subscription-based model for your app
The android platform is a better platform if you have an ad-based monetization strategy.

3. Creating apps that take up a lot of space
Did you know that more than 50% of app users tend to uninstall an app if it uses up too much space on the device storage?
Therefore its quite evident that you can lose the majority of your customers if you don’t manage to create a storage efficient app.
There are two common app designing mindsets app developers generally have that lead them to finally create an app that is a storage monster.
These are:
· Wanting to develop a mobile app that is a replica of the website version.
· Making apps feature-loaded instead of feature efficient, as mentioned above.
Other than this, there are quite a few crucial app optimization tactics that reduce the overall size of your app, namely.
· Compressing JPEG and PNG Images
· Reducing Unnecessary codes etc
Wrapping Up
As a final inference, it can be said that app developers should keep the bigger picture in mind while creating a mobile app.
The app’s long term survival should be at the core of the development and promotion strategy.
Author Bio- Hi There, I am Shaun Williams, a content writer with Goodfirms, a research platform for DevOps and Game Development companies, among many others. I enjoy communicating ideas and knowledge creatively and also ensure that the readers never suffer from boredom while reading my posts.
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