Alternative investment associations and hedge fund associations are committees and platforms that are formed to facilitate all those people who are a part of the industry. They are a place where those with problems can meet those who can help them find solutions to these problems. Most of these require people to sign up as members. In order to do this they will have to provide all the necessary information and fill out forms according to the associations rules and regulations.
Once they have officially been recognized as members, they will be able to benefit from all the services that the association aims to provide. Typically these services cover a wide range of things as the industry as a whole has many different aspects to it because of the complex structure and nature of dealings involved in the business.
Fund managers, mutual funds, funds of funds and many others can choose to actively become a part of these associations. Public as well as private pension funds can also join them, as they too stand to benefit from the facilities that these associations are known to provide. Similarly, all kinds of service providers are also welcome to become members of the associations if they feel that it can help them improve in some particular way or another. These can include IT specialists, software providers, brokers, administrative personnel and even lawyers.
Now that we know whom these associations cater to, lets take a closer look at what it is that they do and why people are so eager to join them. They give people an appropriate platform where they can get together and meet others in the industry. This is extremely important and useful because otherwise they would be unable to share their individual experiences and ideas, which are essential because learning from others opinions and sharing of information is what drive positive change and growth. They make all of this possible by holding events from time to time where beginners and new entrants are given a chance to interact with some of the oldest and most influential names in the field today.
They attract some of the top professionals from across the globe that are involved in the business today and allow them to impart wisdom through talks and lectures that are inspiring in more ways than one. But the associations do more than simply just that; they engage people in tasks that define the future of the industry and help them to make the right choices and decisions. They help them analyze the problem at hand and come up with tailor-made solutions. They also offer public relations related services for hedge funds and other alternative investments.
They create the framework and outlines within which administrators and managers should work and provide them with guidelines that can help them to sustain themselves as well as expand further. They are also known to act as mediators with government and put forward the demands and needs of the industry before them. They can be thought of as a union that voices the concerns of the community that they represent and try to promote their welfare by reaching agreements that are mutually beneficial.
There are hundreds of such associations all over the world and they each have their own unique characteristics and outlooks. Some of them, however, tend to be more prominent than others. This can be due to the fact that they have been working towards their goals for a very long time or that they have proved their worth in several instances. These include the Alternative Investment Management Association, which is also known as AIMA and the Global Association of Alternative Investors (GAAI). There are plenty more, some of which are region specific, but the one thing that they all have in common is that they keep the best interest of the industry and their members as the primary goal. is the fund industry’s leading news, research and analysis source for individual and institutional accredited investors and professionals