New App Provides Interactive Guide to the Hedge Fund Landscape

A new app and online tool, produced by the Managed Funds Association, provides investors with an interactive, geographical way to explore the hedge fund investor landscape in the U.S.

The tool is called the Hedge Fund Investor Map, and it’s available within your browser at the MFA website, or as an app for iOS-based devices such as the iPhone and iPad. It’s intended as an educational resource for MFA members and the general public alike, providing them with an intuitive means to discover the size and scope of the hedge fund industry in the U.S.

So how does it work?

Well, to start off with, you are presented with a map of the U.S. divided into states, with a corresponding list of the states down the side. So, if your geography isn’t too hot and you’re in a bit of a hurry, you can click on these instead.


Clicking on a state brings up a menu in the left hand box, where you can find out hedge fund-related facts, news & updates, and the latest research updates for that state.


Clicking on the ‘Facts’ tab brings up a wealth of information about the various institutional investors in that state that are invested in hedge funds, including non-profits, charities, and retirement funds. The content is divided into various sections highlighting the social benefits of hedge funds, with titles such as ‘Hedge Funds Help Build Retirement Security’, ‘Hedge Funds Help Ensure Educational Opportunities’, and ‘Hedge Funds Help Improve the Quality of Life in California’.


The ‘News & Updates’ tab brings up a list of news stories that are relevant to the hedge fund industry in that particular state, followed by a more complete list of nation-wide news items about hedge funds.


Finally, the ‘Research’ tab brings up a selection of recent hedge fund research updates for the selected state. As we can see below, the regional research component of this isn’t particularly well-populated yet, but it’s a new service, so we can expect this to change in the near future.

mfa-map5 The tab menu can also be collapsed to display more of the main window, which can be particularly useful on devices with smaller screens.

As well as providing access to regional facts, news, and research, the service also provides an overview of the national equivalents. In some cases, these can be viewed below the regional information, or can be looked at separately by clicking one of the top tabs, such as News & Updates or the Research Library. The fact sheet library can also be accessed by clicking the appropriate top tab and selecting a state from the menu, as in the screenshot below.


The service is being updated on an ongoing basis, and the latest update provides updated data points for key hedge fund allocations made by pensions, universities and charitable foundations across the U.S, as well as customized fact sheets illustrating the various ways in which hedge fund investments improve the quality of life in cities and towns across the nation that can be shared via email and social media.

Who’s Behind It?

The Hedge Fund Investor Map is the product of the Managed Funds Association, an organization set up to represent the global alternative investment industry and its investors. Its goals are to improve the image of the industry,  both by advocating for sound industry practices and public policies that foster efficient, transparent, and fair capital markets, and by helping to educate the public and participate in the public policy discourse that surrounds the industry. Although it is a primarily U.S.-based organization,  it has cultivated a global membership, and actively engages with regulators and policy makers in Asia, Europe, North and South America, and all other regions where MFA members are market participants.